Quick Links: Sales Funnel - Affiliate Link - Email Swipes - Banners
Solo Ad Escape is a PDF report and video training series which will teach your subscribers how to get traffic to their squeeze pages outside of Solo Ads. It outlines how I replaced my $5,000 per month Solo Ad Business with a $20,000 - $30,000 per month income from product launching and affiliate marketing.
Sales Funnel & Commissions
Front End: $19.95 - You earn 100% commission.
Upsell: IM VIP Training Yearly Special $197 Per Year - You earn 50% commission.
Downsell: IM VIP Training Trial $1 / $29.95 Per Month - You earn 50% commission.
Upsell/Downsell 2 : IM Funnels - 6 Funnels - $19.95 - You earn 60% commission.
Upsell 3 : IM Funnels Pro - 10 Extra Funnels - $37.00 - You earn 60% commission.
Upsell 4 : IM Funnels Reseller Licence - $297.00 - You earn 50% commission.
Affiliate Links

Email Swipes
Sub 1 : {DIME-SALE} Solo Ad Escape Is LIVE
Sub 2 : Early Bird – Solo Ad Escape Is LIVE
Sub 3 : Discover How This Struggling Marketer Went From $5,000 To $30,000 Per Month
Sub 4 : 7 New Traffic Methods Revealed
I’ve great news for your today. New traffic methods, proven results and a simple system to follow.
Kevin Fahey took his business from $5,000 to $30,000 PER MONTH using these exact methods.
This should not be missed. The doors just opened and it’s a complete steal for less than 10 bucks.
Check Out Solo Ad Escape Here {LINK}
Inside Kevin shares his insights into what does work – for the long term and for significant income.
See what this course offers here {LINK}
Be aware that the price rises with every sale so don’t delay.
To Your Success
Sub 1 : Experienced or New – Solo Ad Escape Is For You…
Sub 2 : High Converting Traffic Vs. Crap…
There’s been a lot of talk about Kevin Fahey’s new traffic course called Solo Ad Escape.
I’ve followed this guy for years and he always over delivers.
Curiosity got hold of me (again) and I’m glad it did. I decided to pick this up a I’m impressed.
Many golden nuggets for experienced marketers and a complete clear plan of action for anyone just starting off.
Check Out Solo Ad Escape Here {LINK}
Inside Kevin shares his insights into what does work – for the long term and for significant income.
See what this course offers here {LINK}
Be aware that the price rises with every sale so don’t delay.
To Your Success
Sub 1 : When’s the last time you got good results from a solo ad?
Sub 2 : The Solo Ad Escape Route..
Is your intuition telling you it might be time to get out of the solo ad business?
Trust it!
Solo ads are not delivering what they did years ago, and in some ways, they’re doing more harm to your business reputation than good.
You need to make a change FAST, but to what?
You need a clear road map to get your internet marketing business onto a different track, one that’s more sustainable and profitable in the long term.
SOLO AD ESCAPE is that map – a step by step, no-frills course, including proven methods, software tools and other bonuses to build your online business to 5-figure income, month after month.
Kevin Fahey has set up the pricing for his course as a dime sale. It starts at $7, but the price goes up slightly with every purchase.
See you on the inside.
Sub 1 : 7 Proven Traffic Method For Newbies
Sub 2 : Everything You Know About Email Marketing Is Wrong.
We all thought solo ads were the best answer to internet marketing.
And, at one time, they were!
But times and technologies have changed, and solo ads may be not be working as well as before.
Maybe you’d like to break away from solo ads, or maybe you’re a newcomer to the world of IM.
Kevin Fahey has been there, done that. What’s more, he’s still doing it and still succeeding.
If you’re trying to make a career of internet marketing, SOLO AD ESCAPE is a practical, hands-on approach to IM, with clear, concise lessons on what works, and what doesn’t.
Pick Up Solo Ad Escape Here {LINK}
To Your Success
Sub 1 : 7 Quality Traffic Methods Which Convert To High Ticket Sales
Sub 2 : Grow Your List Faster Than Ever Before With These 7 Traffic Methods
Today I’m going to reveal to you 7 traffic methods which are PROVEN to deliver results.
Here’s the good news.. many of these methods are free.
You need to see this. Go Here! {LINK}
These method work in any niche and are PERFECT for the IM Niche.
Let me know what you think. {LINK}
To Your Success
Sub 1 : Things Not Turned Out As Planned? See Why Here…
Sub 2 : Is Your IM Career Failing?
Have you ever invested in a traffic source only to see your hard earned money go to waste and feel like quitting?
If so you’re not alone.
Kevin Fahey has 7 years of experience to share with you. Kevin started out buying and then selling solo ads, but he came to realise why that strategy just won’t work in the long term.
Sick of small pay days and unpredictable results he decided to do something about it.
That something took his business from $5,000 all the way to $30,000 PER MONTH…
Here’s the best part. He’s spent 2 months documenting everything he did to transform his business and have lay everything out in a each to follow, step by step, no fluff plan of action.
You need to see this. {LINK}
To me it’s one of the best courses of the year. It’s currently on dime-sale so hurry.
Here’s the link. {LINK}
To Your Success
Sub 1 : Solo Ads Suck..
Sub 2 : Warning : You’re Wasting Your Money On Solo Ads
What’s wrong with solo ads? Everyone’s using them, right?
Well, not exactly. Solo ads deliver clicks. Product owners want sales.
Solo ads have a lot of shortcomings – they’re no longer the best way to deliver results.
Kevin Fahey learned this the hard way, and now he’s organised his experience into a point-by-point course that can help you find the best way to build a long-term, highly profitable internet marketing business.
Check Out Solo Ad Escape Here {LINK}
If your IM business is not where you want it to be, see what SOLO AD ESCAPE can offer you.
To Your Success