Need High Converting Products To Provide Your Subscribers Which Will Bank You Massive EPC's? 
"If the answer is "YES" then you've landed on the right page!"

Be First To Know When We’ve A Hot New Product For You To Promote!

We value your privacy and would never spam you

Our Next Launch Is Monday, 13th April 2015.

Our Previous High Converting Launches

Solo Ad Escape

Date Launched : January 2nd 2015
Evergreen & Active : Yes
Funnel EPC : $1.65
Conversion : 6.64%

View The JV Page
View The Sales Page

Open Rate Explosion

Date Launched : January 2nd 2015
Evergreen & Active : Yes
Funnel EPC : $1.65
Conversion : 6.64%

View The Sales Page
View The JV Page

Top Marketers Who Have Promoted My Previous Launches!

While here.. drop a comment below and introduce yourself.

What I CAN Promote!

  • List Build Guides which teach something new.
  • List Building Software & Templtes
  • PLR Products in most niches
  • Link Tracking / Split Testing Software
  • Affiliate Marketing Training
  • CPA Training
  • Product Creation Courses
  • Website Traffic Training (not SEO)
  • Page Builders & Affiliate Marketing Themes
  • FB List Building / Aff Marketing Guides (not Teespring)
  • Certain types of graphics packages
  • Outsourcing training and management
  • Creation WordPress Plugins (not Amazon or SEO)
  • and much more.

Please note for me to consider promoting any product I would require full review access for the obvious reason that I know exactly what I am selling.

What I CANNOT Promote!

SEO Products - Including keyword research tools, domain research tools, automated content scripts, back link software tactics, tips, tricks and PDF.

Please note in 2010 I promoted these product with success but my online business model has changed. I do contiune to use "high quality" services and tools to deliver for my offline clients but do noy have an offline list.

Which brings me to offline products

Offline Niche Products - My online "list" in general is mainly start-up's, work from home entrepreneur's or product creators. There is simply no audience there for Offline Marketing.

Amazon Offers - These products simply do not convert for my list.

Video Products - including software, PLR and templates unfortunately do not convert for me.

For me it's about maintaining quality in the list and not ruining your EPC on launch day. I am sorry to say that I am unable to promote any products in the above niches.

Be First To Know When We’ve A Hot New Product For You To Promote!

We value your privacy and would never spam you